Versicherungen für Unternehmen

What insurance does an SME need in Switzerland?

  • As an employer, it is mandatory that you take out certain types of social security cover for your employees.
  • Many types of insurance are voluntary but definitely worth having. 
  • Every SME has different insurance needs. Arrange a personal consultation to find out which insurance policies really make sense for you.

Some firms offer their guests the best view of a breathtaking mountain panorama. Others produce fine delicacies. Every company is different. But in one thing they are all alike: they all have to deal with unpredictable risks. But they do not have to do so alone. We support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the important and right insurance policies. 

And what insurance do SMEs need? For a start, they need social insurance such as occupational pension provision and accident insurance. These are obligatory in Switzerland. In addition, there are some voluntary insurance policies that cover your company’s property and assets. These make sense.

You are responsible for your employees. Therefore, for every employer in Switzerland, contributions to the state pension and to occupational pension provision are obligatory. Accident insurance covers the consequences of accidents for employees, while occupational pension schemes provide benefits for death, disability and old age.
As an SME entrepreneur, you can join a collective foundation to cover occupational pension provision. A credit balance is accumulated at the foundation for your employees’ retirement benefits, which supplement state pension benefits. For your employees and their survivors, there is additional protection in the event of disability and death. Starting from an annual salary of at least CHF 22,050, cover is obligatory. The insured salary is capped at CHF 88,200 before the coordination deduction (as at 1 January 2023) – however, you can voluntarily set it at a higher level. We can also offer solutions for self-employed persons without employees.

Elective benefits

Occupational pension benefits are financed through payroll deductions. Your share as an employer is at least 50 % of the contributions owed. However, you can also make larger contributions or supplement the pension plan with elective benefits – a good way to set yourself apart in a competitive labour market. With solutions like this for your managers, you help to close pension gaps.

For you as an employer, accident insurance is mandatory. This covers medical expenses, daily allowances and pension payments (disability pension, widow’s pension). For your employees, it covers their annual salary up to a maximum of CHF 148,200. Do you have staff with higher salaries at your company? Then you can voluntarily provide additional accident cover for the remaining portion of their salary.

Under the law (Section 324a of the Swiss Code of Obligations), you as an employer are obliged to continue paying the wages of employees on sick leave. Although this is limited in time, it can still cost a lot of money.

You can cushion the cost with voluntary daily illness benefit insurance. 

Comparing the right insurance cover for your SME is crucial. That is because there are a wide variety of rates, especially for social insurance. In the case of start-ups, for example, the business’s targets are often taken into account. Compare the various options and take advantage of comprehensive SME insurance advice. That is what we are here for.

You want your company to be a success for as long as possible. An important component of this is an insurance package that is optimally tailored to the size and type of company you have. It is not always easy to distinguish between insurance policies that are absolutely necessary, cover that probably makes sense and policies that are superfluous. There is no standard set of policies for all SMEs. And with good reason: the individual risks are simply too different.

Your apprentice is still on the scaffolding, but his paint bucket has dropped off and hit a passer-by. As an entrepreneur, you are liable for loss or injury to persons or damage to property caused by one of your employees. And this can be expensive, sometimes even threatening the existence of the company. 

For that reason, you should definitely take out commercial liability insurance for your SME. This covers the consequential costs that may arise as a result of personal injury, property damage and financial loss. For this purpose, there are various supplementary insurance policies for every industry and every company profile that also make sense for your company.

A supplier fails to deliver. An employee breaches his contract. Unfortunately, there are many occasions for legal disputes in business. You can face them in a relaxed manner with commercial legal protection insurance, which you should definitely add to your commercial liability insurance.
Flood in the warehouse – deliveries down the drain. Thieves in the office – work equipment gone. If you have a business address, you should also have commercial insurance. Because it covers damage to buildings, business equipment and stock due to fire, water, glass damage, poor hygiene and – you should pay particular attention to this – theft.
If you own a building, insurance against fire and natural hazards is obligatory.
Suddenly the data are gone. Much too late, you discover that your new bulk buyer has created a fake profile. Cybercrime is on the rise. The consequential costs of system failure can also be huge. And they affect companies with low IT expenditure, too. That is why you should definitely think about taking out cybercrime insurance.

Do you run a freight forwarding company? Then you should take out transport insurance. This covers the costs if something is broken or lost in transit.

Do you have more than five cars or vans in use? Then fleet insurance for SMEs is a good idea. Because it ensures that your company remains mobile.

Detailed information on the individual products is available in German, French and Italian.
Do you have questions about insurance for SMEs? Together we can find suitable solutions.
We can advise you personally, including in english. Talk to a qualified advisor now.
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